Enriching Carderock Cubs' Learning and Growth

Parents – do you want your child to have fun while learning valuable computer skills? The 2016 Carderock Computer Camp is back for its fourth season, taught by Mrs. Russell. This course is a four-day computer camp to complete the final week of school!
Carderock Springs Elementary School Computer Camp
For Grades 3 – 5
Who: Carderock students entering grades 3 through 5
What: One week of learning and fun in Carderock’s Computer Lab!
When: June 21 through June 24, Tuesday - Friday
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Where: Computer Lab at CSES
Cost: $150 per child
Why: To have a morning of fun on the computer (while learning, of course!)
Each day will be different; working on programs they already know as well as learning new applications. Expanding their creative minds using computer animation, Pixie, Scratch, etc., Morning snack included.
Camp goals:
· Work on Keyboarding skills and practice
Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Sheets.
· Learn about computer animation and beginning programming with Scratch
· Learn about Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship
· Gain confidence and new skills working in the various applications
· Have fun!
Camp is taught by Carderock Elementary School Computer Instructor Kristin Russell. Proceeds support the CSESEF.