Enriching Carderock Cubs' Learning and Growth

Student Online Learning Tools
The Foundation helps to fund critical online learning tools that are particularly important this year with virtual learning. These tools include: PebbleGo, BrainPop, PowerKids Science, Newsela, One More Story and more.
Teacher Instructional Tools
The Foundation works to support teachers with instructional tools such as Learning Ally Audio Books, Read 30/60/90 prices and more.
Professional Development
The Foundation provides support to teachers to participate in professional development opportunities around leadership, mindfulness, reading/writing and equity training.
Arts Enrichment
The Foundation helps to fund an after-school drama club, Drama Cubs, for all students. Stay tuned for more details.
STEM Enrichment
The Foundation organizes and funds complimentary science and technology classes.​
Mini-grants to support teachers​
Through mini-grants, the Foundation has fulfilled the needs of teachers, staff and students by providing resources that make each classroom a unique learning environment. This program helps build classroom libraries, enhances the curriculum and inspires creativity. Teachers and staff submit mini-grant requests which are reviewed by the principal and the Foundation Board. Teachers and staff are able to get funding for professional development courses. Other resources funded by mini-grants include:
Rainbow sight word rewards
First Grade
Math Splash App / Web site
BrainPOP Jr (online educational resource)
Third Grade
Habitat Garden sundial to support revised science curriculum
Autism Program and Special Ed. Programs
Speech / language seminar
Membership to Council for Exceptional Children
State of the art assistive technology (Go talk devices) to support verbal development
Reading Specialist
Rewards for Read 30/60/90 campaign
Lucy Calkins Units of Study for Writing in the Common Core (a writing program that concentrates on the three types of writing for common core: opinion, information and narrative)
Reading A to Z license (an online reading program that includes leveled books, worksheets and quizzes)
Specials (Media / Art / Music)
Art cart for Ms. Seebohm
Art exemplars of well-established artists displayed in art classroom
Media Center art project installation
All Grades
Newsela subscription (Newsela is a database of current event stories tailor-made for classroom use. Stories can be accessed in different formats based on reading level.)
Teacher and staff educational training seminars
Mindfulness teacher training, books and classroom tools
Science Night event
Handwriting Without Tears
RAZ Kids subscription
Spelling City subscription
PebbleGo subscription
EduTyping subscription