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Previously Approved Mini-Grants:




  • A new Scholastic listening library, including 15 CDs and two copies of each book, and math games to support the new EIC curriculum.

  • New EIC classroom resources and materials to support classroom instruction in Kindergarten, including marble run, lego education community workers set, community helper puppet set.



First Grade


  • Curriculum 2.0 Enrichment materials, including additional copies of text books to supplement materials that are part of the new EIC, so that each First grade teacher can have her own set, rather than have to share single copy provided by MCPS

  • A composting project for the First Grade team, which incorporated social studies, reading and writing lessons from the new EIC curriculum.

  • Brainpop website subscription for First Grade, which enhances learning of key concepts through use of technology and supports the new EIC curriculum.

  • Sand and electronic timers, to be used by students and teachers as management and instructional aids, at literacy and math stations to help learn to manage time.



Second Grade


  • Lego construction set unit project for all Second Grade classes, to design and build electronic lego toy cars in pairs and explore engineering and design process.

  • Math, Reading and grammar/vocabulary software games for all second grade classes, to integrate more technology into the classroom. Supports MCPS goal to have more opportunities for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) within the classroom.

  • Classroom library for new Second Grade teacher, Ms. Sims.



Third Grade


  • Introduction to Engineering process project for all Third Grade classes. This included the Robotics- Bristlebot Classroom kits, and the Crash and Race balloon car kit. Through these projects, the third grade learned to design, modify and test their engineering design skills and make those bristlebots and race cars go!

  • Versatiles math, which improves student learning of key math skills and concepts through hands-on, motivational and engaging activities.

  • Groundworks math resources books, which gives students more experience with mathematical reasoning problems and connects directly with MCPS curriculum.

  • Classroom library for new Third grade teacher, Mrs. Talvac.



Fourth Grade


  • Scholastic Storyworks library for Fourth Grade classes. 



Fifth Grade


  • The Fifth Grade team annually uses Nancy Atwell’s book, Lessons that Change Writers, during personal narrative/memoir unit. The Foundation has fully funded the Fifth Grade teachers to attend a one-day professional workshop with Ms. Atwell to enhance understanding of her lessons to use during future writing lessons with the Fifth Grade classes.

  • Classroom sets of ActivExpression 2 voting devices (with texting!), which promote classroom collaboration by allowing students and teachers to immediately view and discuss responses.

  • Classroom library for new Fifth Grade teacher, Mr. Ghaman



Autism Program and Special Education Programs


  • Funded Ms. Shaw to attend a speech/language seminar, “Putting it all together for Children on the Autism Spectrum, from speech to language to literacy.”

  • Best Buddies – Autism Acceptance workbooks for student participants in Best Buddies program, which provide opportunity for students in general and special education programs to interact and develop friendships (90 copies).

  • Occupational tools and materials to enrich the therapy process for the Autism and Special Ed programs, including Innovative learning touchmath materials.



Reading Initiative Program


  • Five licenses for Reading A-Z online toolbox, to support reading initiatives in K-3rd grade. Includes many books at below, on-grade, and above reading grade level that teachers can use in the classroom.

  • Leveled Literacy Intervention System software, to bring at-risk children up to grade level in 14-18 weeks. Supports new readers in Kindergarten and First Grade.



Specials (Media/Art/Music)


  • Sibelius Groovy Software program for music classes, as a pilot program, which covers a comprehensive set of musical concepts and skills and includes a significant portion of the MCPS music curriculum.

  • Ethnic and world percussion instruments and chime tree for music classroom, to support exploration of world music and cultures. A few of these instruments were broken and needed to be replaced, but many were original purchases.

  • Autoharp strings software program for music unit in Fourth and Fifth Grades.

  • New art supplies for watercolor unit, with particular focus on enhancing learning for advanced students, including: watercolor paper, paints, mannequin, and display materials.

  • New art supplies for printmaking and collage unit, including texture plates, oil pastels, construction paper, Styrofoam trays and wire easels to display artwork.

  • New Reference material for library, to replace 1992 Atlas and 1976 unabridged dictionary!

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